West Virginia Retailers Association (WVRA) is a unified voice in government for the retail industry.
West Virginia Retailers Association has a full time lobbyist that carefully and diligently monitors all legislative and regulatory agencies within the sate government and analyzes the nearly 2000 bills that are introduced each legislative session.
Staff and members testify before legislative committees on key issue such as taxation, unemployment and workers’ compensation, employee, environmental, and advertising regulations.

Each year, state lawmakers discuss legislative issues that directly affect retail business. We closely track those issues and recommend strategic responses to benefit your company’s continued operational success.
WVRA has an acute awareness and understanding of the political and retail business environments at the state level, and we help you navigate them.
Dedicated Representation
Experience Innovation the
Professional Way.
- Keeping the membership informed on current issues through its written and electronic legislative bulletins.
- Hosts periodic meetings with state legislators and congressional representatives
- Represents the retailers view on issues before Congress and the State Legislature, as well as, County and City Commissions
- Works with local groups to plan, promote and develop respective areas toward a better economic base.
Legislative Accomplishments
Staff and members testify before legislative committees on key issue such as taxation, unemployment and workers’ compensation, employee, environmental, and advertising regulations.
- Repeal of the B&O Tax: WVRA was the only association to support and work for the removal of the B&O Tax statewide.
- Sales Tax Holiday: WVRA fully supported the effort to provide financial relief for WV families purchasing back to school clothing, supplies, and computers.
- Exempting Third-Party Marketing Support Programs: WVRA supported and successfully passed legislation to exempt cooperative advertising agreements, sales incentive programs and similar programs from West Virginia sales tax.
- Worthless Check Legislation: WVRA increased the worthless check fee from $15.00 to $25.00